BABA AND JONA (A short story)

Baba had been having series of meetings on this day. He had just played host to the Senate President, the Speaker of the Reps, the former governor of Lagos State, the former governor of Ogun State, some traditional rulers and the American Ambassador. He also had long meeting with the Governing Board of the African Leadership Forum. All these have been packed into a single day and Baba was understandably tired. But then, for a man of his status, there are no dull days. Everyday is filled with activities. He called his cook, a young man in his mid-thirties who hailed from Ekiti State, to prepare his favorite pounded yam with egusi soup. He would wash it down with freshly-tapped palmwine which his supplier, Karimu from Ila, had brought earlier in the afternoon. That done, he reclined on the sitting room sofa awaiting his meal. Then one of his granddaughters, who had been on holidays, emerged from Baba's study carrying his phone which was ringing with an ear-piercing shrill. (It was an old Nokia 3310).
"Hallo! Obasanjo speaking!"
"Good evening Baba! This is Goodluck Jonathan"
"Aah Ebele, Ebele...or is it Ewele!"
"Oh Baba, Ebele is the name sir, E-B-E-L-E, there is no W there"
"OK, Ebele, what can I do for u?"
"Yes sir, I'd like to come and visit u"
"Visit me? Shebi David Mark was here today. U haven't got the report?"
"Yes I have and that is what has made my seeing u very imperative!"
"You see Ebele, I have told u that I have maximum respect for the Office of the President of Nigeria. I can come over to Abuja as a sign of respect for that office"
"Thank u baba, tomorrow morning, I'll send a chopper. Where are u sir?"
"Where am I? Hehehe...Ebele, u make me laugh" Hunnhunnnhaarrrr (clears his throat)
"I am in my house. The stool awaits the buttock at home, Ebele"
"Ok sir, do enjoy the rest of your evening please"
"U too, enjoy your evening". Then the phone went dead.
Squadron Leader Priye Horsfall saluted smartly, did an about-turn and marched out of the office of Air Commodore Adamu Jalingo, the Commander of the Presidential Fleet. He had been sent on an emergency assignment to Abeokuta to fetch the former President. In his 16 years in the Airforce, he had never enjoyed flying anyone in his helicopter more than the former president whom everyone calls Baba. He was jovial. He cracked lots of jokes and u may not see any dull moments with him. But in equal measure, he could erupt like a volcanoe is serious anger within a moment of cracking a joke. Well, today he hoped he would have plenty to smile, chuckle and laugh about. He climbed the Chopper, warmed the engine and the rotors slowly came to life. Moments later, he took off. After about one and a half hours, he landed smoothly on the helipad at the Obasanjo Hilltop mansion in Abeokuta. The word 'hilltop' brought a smile to Priye's mouth. What is it with our leaders and hilltop mansions? IBB Hilltop Mansion is in Minna. Abdulsalami has his too at Minna. Why go to hilltop, why not at the valley with the people? He pressed a switch and the door opened. He ducked his head below the still-rotating rotors and ran to meet baba who was already standing with an aide waiting for him. Squadron Leader Priye straightened up and saluted. Then he turned and Baba silently followed him. Oh no, thought Priye, this might not be a funny flight afterall. Baba looked too serious - tense even - for his liking.
At the door of the helicopter Baba stopped, then he looked at the helicopter....!
(To be continued)
May God Almighty bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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