Our love for impunity stinks by Abdulrazaq Hamzat

Evidences after evidence has proven that, most Nigerians love impunity committed by their friends, their tribal people, their religious circle and political affiliates. No matter how unjust such impunity is, they will always find a way to defend and justify it. However, majority Nigerians disgust impunity done by people not in their good circle, be it ethnic, regional or political. Their reason for hating such impunity is not because they hate impunity or sympathize with the victim, but because they want to cast the perpetrator in dark light for whatever reason. Two important events that happened this week reconfirm some opinions that claimed that Nigerians are not really ready to have a better country. Once again, we held tight our chains and declare our love for impunity, without feeling any sense of responsibility or remorse. Few days ago, National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) conducted an election to chose new sets of leaders. An election, which was suppo...