How to fix Nigeria in 72hours

By Abdulrazaq O Hamzat Nigeria is one of the greatest countries in the world, whose greatness is being held back by numerous self inflicted vices. While the country is blessed abundantly in all fronts, its greatest undoing is the lack of visionary leadership, which some analysts have described as Nigeria’s natural disaster. Successive governments in Nigeria have blamed the complexity of the country for their failure in office and some even argued that Nigeria is a difficult country to govern. However, this piece is not to debate whether or not, Nigeria is a difficult country to govern since every country has their own peculiar difficulties, the focus is to proffer workable solutions that if implemented can set the nation on the path of progress. To my understanding, any visionary leadership can fix Nigeria in just 72 hours and position the country for greatness. By fixing Nigeria, I do not mean a sudden transformation from third world to first world. What i meant is simply to c...