
Showing posts from August 5, 2018

Our commitment to produce next president is unrivalled, young aspirants declare

Mathias Tsado and other Young presidential aspirants in a meeting to adopt one candidate Full statement We all started out as opponents, became friends and now a team, our commitment to produce the next president of Nigeria is unrivalled and this determination has changed our political views and that of our supporters, we have put the country before anything and everything else, our collective vision is bigger than our individual goals and egos, we know our strength is in our unity, and we have continued to demonstrate that spirit of the Nigerian team. There is beauty in our diversity, we have seen the potentials of a working Nigeria, where We put our differences aside and pursue a common goal, where no one is working against our collective success, where tribe and religion do not matter, our best of brains assemble to give their best for the benefit of all, where no man is superior and none is treated disdainfully. A Nigeria of woven diversities beautifully weaved in patterns an

Kwara street sweepers protest against 2years unpaid salaries

What can we say about a state Government that owes street sweepers 2 years salaries? I mean, old women, mothers, grand mothers,great grand mothers? Sad! Kwara. How sad? Non of these women earn more than 7k per month. Yet they are owed 2 years salaries, by a Governor that has received several bailouts. Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, olohun o da Kwara Must Change

Kwara Freedom Squard

Dear all, Kwara Must Change shall be unveiling a PR session known as #FreedomSquard #FreedomSquard shall be bringing you information about all the freedom seeking opposition aspirants, vying for different offices. Trust me, we shall be giving you information like never before. This would be the first major tell it all about all of the opposition aspirants, from governorship to state house of assembly. It is a premium service and only aspirants ready to hold an interview session with us, to respond to our questions shall be featured. For interested aspirants, email or send WhatsApp message to 08076976917. No calls please. Thanks Kwara Must Change

The bondage has been broken By Abdulrazaq O Hamzat

In the past few days, several of our respected comrades, friends and families who had once resorted to key into the visionless dynasty, had finally departed the camp of the oppressor. As I am writing this, many more are on their way out of the rejected dynasty, to join us in the victorious path of freedom that has already been destined for 2019. I, Abdulrazaq O Hamzat, on behave of the entire members of Kwara Must Change, uses this opportunity to welcome all our distinguish friends and family members, who were once held in the camp of the overlord back to the genuine path of prosperity for all. Believe me when i say, we are very much happy to have you back on the path of self worth and respect for human dignity and I assure you that we would jointly celebrate the imminent collapse of the oppressive dynasty that has kept us all down. We understood why you were there in the first place and we hold no grudge against you. This liberation struggle is yours, the imminent freedom is yo

Collapsed School in Ilorin, the home town of Saraki, Nigeria's Senate President

This is a 4 class room LGEA primary school at Gaa Akanbi popularly known as Saba primary school. The school is in the heart of Ilorin south local government area of Kwara State. More

JCI Nigeria holds its 46th Convention with the Mascot unveiling in Ibadan

Junior Chamber International,(JCI) is a world wide youth oriented organization and body of young, vibrant and dynamic individuals committed to invest in youths, provide sustainable solutions to community problems and provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change. JCI Nigeria holds its 46th annual Convention with the Mascot unveiling in Ibadan over the weekend. It was an historic moment on Saturday, August 4 as Citizens in Action unveiled 2018 JCI Nigeria Convention Mascot, at Allied Hall, Kakanfo Inn & Conference Center, Joyce 'B Road Ìbàdàn. The event was graced by JCI Nigeria National President, Southwest Executive Vice President, Local Organization Presidents, JCI Senators, the Oyo State Commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism, JCIN Ambassador Toye Arulogun,Gearge Berkhout- Nwaobi Safari books, sponsors and partners. The conference is tagged OLÚYỌ̀LÉ 2018 Theme: CITIZENS IN ACTION; PROMOTING PEACE AND DEMOCRA