Lagos before Nigeria By Abdulrazaq O Hamzat

More than 50 years before the creation of Nigeria as a united entity, Lagos is already a major centre of modern civilisation. Lagos history is rich in Yoruba tradition, trade and commerce, infrastructural development and cosmopolitanism." -EXTRACTED In the past few days, i have followed the unhealthy debate between easterners in Lagos and their host and i must say that such is really uncalled for. No tribe or race is an island of knowledge and civilisation. At one time or the other, each one of them contributed in one way or the other. While it is proper for every one to feel good about themselves and try as much as possible to amplify in a good way, their importance and contribution to the society they live in, it is also very crucial to take into account, the reality of other factors without attempting to ridicule the contribution of others. I therefore advise all those joining the discuss to thread with caution and avoid things that are capable of setting our peop...