Evangelist Ideh joins presidential race, says Nigeria need a different model of governance

Mrs Elishamma Ideh, an evangelist, has joined the 2019 presidential race for Nigeria's number one office. At her official declaration in Abuja on Thursday, stated that Nigeria deserves more than it presently has as leaders, and that the people are better than what presently obtains. According to evanjelist, “We live in trying and dangerous times”, and Nigerians yearn for “something better, something MORE, than what we’ve had before now. Your presence here today speaks of dissatisfaction with the way things are at present; a restlessness with a sterile status quo that has held us in its sway and circumscribed the pace and direction of our individual and collective progress for so long; and a desire for genuine and far-reaching change, change that will move your lives and those of your children from where you are to where you ought to be”. Ideh, who is the President/Founder of Christ The Ever-Present Ministry -CTEM, Lagos, and also the initiator of Partnership For A New Nige...