15 areas Nigeria is better than America

United States of America may be better than Nigeria in many ways, but there are also areas Nigeria is better than U.S. I have compiled just 15 of them for a start. Read and leave your comment.

1. Intelligence and smartness

Nigerians are the most intelligent people in the world. Yes, they are the smartest you find anywhere in the world. However, the problem with intelligent and smart people is that, in anything they do, their intelligence and smartness come to play and others in the same circle hardly match their rare skills. In business, they will be intelligent and smart, in education, they will be intelligent and smart, in music and entertainment, they will be intelligent and smart and also in criminality, they will be intelligent and smart.

As we all know, negative stories sells faster than anything else and this explains why Nigerian criminals are also world famous for their craft. Nigerian criminals, particularly the internet scammers are not in any way more dangerous than their counterpart from U.S and other countries around the world, what sets them apart is their intelligence and smartness, just as the intelligence and smartness of Nigerian entertainers, entrepreneurs, academia and others is also setting them apart.

2. Culture

In the US, there is a lack of culture amongst groups of native Americans in the sense of tradition. Most of its culture/tradition are brought by immigrants from all over the world. For instance, traditional weddings of Nigerians in America aren't even as authentic as it is in Nigeria. The longer you stay in the US, the more the culture fades away. I doubt if Yoruba people in America bow to greet their elders as it is in Nigeria. Even children talk back and disrespect their elders over there.

3. Expense of goods and commodity

Things are more expensive in America than Nigeria. Especially for women, getting your hair done, makeup, clothes are FAR more expensive in America for something of equal value in Nigeria. In Nigeria, you will pay the equivalent of $40 to do Senegalese twists and that is even with you giving extra tip to the excellent hair stylist! DO you know the same style, and not even half as good would cost upward of $250-$300 in America? Let's not even get on the costs of fabric. There are so many skilled tailors to make custom clothing in Nigeria way better than what is obtainable in America, but you pay more in U.S.

4. Nigeria’s debt is not as high as America's debt

When some Nigerians complain about the country’s increasing huge debt profile, I am sure some Americans will just be looking at them with one eye.
America is the country with most debt in the world. Actually, America has zero capital. While the country is said to be the richest in the world, guess what? America’s debt is exact the same amount as own. This means that, if America pays its debt today, it would end up with zero dollars. This is not the case for Nigeria. While Nigeria’s debt profile is rising in recent time, it would still have much more resources left after paying its debt. The only difference here is that, America has more basic infrastructure, but Nigeria doesn’t.

5. Nigeria contributes more soldiers to U.N Peace Keeping

In terms of peace keeping operations around the world, Nigeria is contributing more soldiers than America. Although, U.S is also contributing more material resources as a veto power.

6. Less fresh food
America is all about mass producing food. A lot of foods here have preservatives; even the animals have been genetically modified to produce more of it. This causes obesity and increases illness such as cancer. Fresher food costs way more money, so most just stick to cheaper, more convenient options. Most things here are processed and packaged. At least in Nigeria, the fish, goat, chicken, cow etc were killed just recently and you are getting fresh meat. In America, do you know when the chicken was killed? Or if it died from something else? All you know is that, it costs about $6 and it tastes very different from normal chicken. Don’t even talk about fresh fruits, it doesn’t exist in America.

7. Racism due to skin color

At least in Nigeria, you can expect some sort of tribal discrimination amongst people, but in America, you can expect that, racial, class, gender, age and other discrimination are pronounced. You don't usually fear not getting considered for a job in Nigeria because you are black. Many people in America had to hurry and get rid of their accent because they were getting insulted by children and judged by adults. I know we complain about police in Nigeria stopping and asking for money, but here in the States, if you're black and have been stopped by cops, be careful of making sudden movements. Some people will be stopped for traffic violation but end up dead at the end of the confrontation. A lot of times, the officer isn't even held accountable for it. Read up on what has been happening here.

8. Black men treat their black women better/respect them more than in America

If you want to be treated like a queen, marry a Nigerian man. He makes you feel like you are the queen of Sheba. Only here will you have a fellow black man compare you to another race and bash you. There's a trust and tension between Black American men and women

9. Richness of land
The soil, the nature, the raw products that are in Nigeria...chai, should make our country the world's richest. For some reason though, we look to other countries to supply us with things. It is a shame. Shea butter easily made on the streets in its purest form in Naija costs SO MUCH in America. Why do you think whites, Asians and Lebanese etc are flocking there? We need to wise up and harness our raw goods for export. Also, our people are VERY skilled, talented and creative, other races are hip to this and are making money off Nigerians.

10. Education

Google this, "Nigerians most educated in the US" - For YEARS this has been the case. Nigerians, everywhere they go value education so much because they know it is the key to success. Due to the somewhat spoiled nature of Americans, education can be taken for granted. Nigerians value education and its benefits have proven itself here in the States. Nigeria inspires you to hustle, work hard and never give up despite your circumstances.

11. Football

Nigeria plays better football than America. Nigeria’s under 17 team has won the highest number of world cups than any other country in the world. It’s under 21 team has played in the finals several times. It’s under 23 team has lifted the Olympics and played in finals many times. Its national team has won several nations cup. However, it has never gone beyond round of 16 at the world cup. Check around the football world, Nigerian players are more prominent and active, more celebrated and sort after. The U.S isn’t anywhere close, except for their female football teams, which are also doing great in world football.

12. Nigeria doesn't suffer from natural disasters

America is a home to several natural disasters, particularly hurricane, which are given different names, most popular of which is hurricane Catherina. Nigeria doesn’t have anything like this.

13. Work/Life Balance

A big thing that people deal with in the States is the culture of work work work. You can be making good money, but you work ALL the time and have little time to enjoy your home and possessions. Google and read up on the 'culture of work in America'. Most other countries have more holidays, more paid time off, more leisure, especially in Nigeria, you can enjoy good balance of both work and play. The culture in America is to go to school, get a job and work work work for someone else and retire.

14. Nigerians are more friendly and accommodating

Nigerians are created to love the world. Yes, created to be lovely. It doesn’t matter if you have nothing to offer Nigerians; they are still willing to make you feel as much comfortable as they can. This doesn’t happen in America. Even your friends and family will only treat you based on what they can get from you and the amount you can put on the table.

15. The cold Winters

The winter cold feels miserable. A lot of people have learned to deal with it, but many still haven't gotten used to it. The cold is bitingly painful even if you're bundled up. It affects travel (when it snows) and people don't like being social. Nigeria don’t have things like this and its great not to.

Compiled by Abdulrazaq O Hamzat @discus4now@gmail.com


  1. Well analysed sir. The only problem faces by Nigeria as a nation-state is only her corrupt political system and personal greedy at all ends of its institutions. God bless Nigeria. 🇳🇬

  2. Sulymon, thanks for your message. I agree with you that corruption is a major problem in Nigeria, which has to be tackled. However, i think corruption is not exclusive to Nigeria alone. Every country in the world has problem of corruption. Let's continue to do our path to make Nigeria greater than it is.

    Kindly visit Mrrights every day and share our links with all your contacts. Thanks

  3. Nice post Nigeria is also larger than than the U.S in terms of Size. But mehn no sane person would trade living in the U.S for living in Nigeria. Nigeria is almost a refuse dump compared to America. So truth be told all our accomplishments are meagre compared to theirs.

  4. Odeh, you are very wrong. I will always prefer to live in Nigeria than America. As a matter of fact, i can never trade my Nigeria for any other country. But this is not just about me, we have millions of others who will never trade Nigeria for America. For people like you who don't value your country, goodluck


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