Dear Kwara PDP, 

If you sow today, you will reap tomorrow, but as they say, ‘’those who have failed to plan are definitely planning to fail’’. 

The above caption clearly fits to describe the coalition of Kwara oppositions who now assemble themselves in the people democratic party (PDP).

Although, this is a letter to the entire members of the people democratic party (PDP), but because I recognize the chairman to be the ultimate leader of the party, hence my decision to build the body of this letter around him.

After the mass movement of several opposition groups into the fold of the People Democratic Party(PDP), all seems set for a unified struggle against mono-leadership  in Kwara state, but many months of vain talks and pursuing shadows seems to have stuck the party after all.

My dearest freedom fighters,
Are you all free from greed, self seeking and power munging?

Until you are free from the above, you can fight for Kwara. Here you  know, you also need freedom from yourselves.

The question is, how can you claim to be fighting for Kwara freedom, when all you seek is your selfish desires? From those who want to be governor at all cost, to those who can’t negotiate their senatorial ticket, to some who must ensure the emergence of their children and all others. Kwarans are not fools, we know you are all fighting for your pockets.

I can bet anyone today that, immediately primary election is done and some didn’t achieve their aim, that will end their freedom for Kwara slogan. You have the chance to prove Mr.rights wrong.
Since electing or appointing a major opposition figure in person of Mr. Akogun Iyiola as the new PDP chairman, hopes are high and many were expecting pragmatic leadership to better position the party for victory come 2015, but all hopes are now faint, leaving people in doubt.

Personally speaking, when Mr. Akogun assume chairmanship of the party, I was expecting a realistic action plan on the way forward for Kwara, but till today, the PDP seems to have nothing in stock for the people apart from their usual rhetoric slogan, ‘’freedom for Kwara’’.
But I am wondering, how will shouting freedom for Kwara bring freedom without matching the slogan with action? To the best of my knowledge, all those who fought for freedom and succeeded in world history are selfless people that are ready to sacrifices their comfort for the good of the people. I am yet to see such characters within the Kwara PDP. Even though some exist, they seems to be too minor to raise the flag.

It is important to note that, a simple action plan to outline the step by step plan has not been developed by the PDP, how then can they govern the state well if eventually elected?
In-fact, the most simple thing to do inform of a people oriented manifesto which should have been put forward by the party is also no where to be found, many are now beginning to conclude that after all, PDP have nothing in stock. If you do,I am now asking the PDP, what do you have in stock for the people? Tell us.

Let me start by giving you a background of my worries.
In june 2013, we all read the source magazine damning publication titled ‘’Most powerless governor in Nigeria’’. 

While many recall the governor who was described as the most powerless governor, many seems to have forgotten, or never knew the person who describe the Kwara state governor as the most powerless governor. That person is Mr.Akogun Iyiola, the current PDP chairman.
I was right there during the interview when he came up with that description. 

It happened that for the same publication, I was contacted by the source magazine deputy editor, Mr.Abifarin to grant an interview on Kwara political situation, but due to my tight schedule and short notice, I couldn’t meet up for the interview on time. Unknown to me, I was not the only one billed to be interviewed that day, others were also invited by the magazine which include Mr. Akogun Iyiola and a lawyer, I think barrister Fagbemi both respected elders. I have been hearing the names of these two figures, but I had never meet them until that day,neither did I bother to introduce myself. As I arrived the venue around Offa Garrage area, I meet the interview just starting and I sat a little close. It was in that interview that the kwara state governor was described as the most powerless governor in Nigeria. Although, I didn’t wait till it was concluded, but I certainly witnessed the coinage of that title by Mr.Akogun. It was a passionate engagement I must confess.

Several months later when Mr. Akogun emerged the PDP chairman, I was full of expectation knowing how passionate he spoke in the interview I witnessed and considering his long history, I had no choice than wish within me that this man would certainly lead the PDP somewhere good. In Mr. Akogun, I was expecting an innovative leadership that would prepare PDP for a better showing come 2015, but so far, what have we seen from the PDP? Absolutely nothing. Rather, what I see is a PDP with no direction, no vision,but full of expectation. In PDP, I see a lost party.
Or, how can a farmer who refuse to sow expect to reap? How can a party that refuses to plan expect to win? How can a party that couldn’t tell the people its plan expect their trust? Its more like asking a bank for loan without collateral, it won’t work.

When Mr. Akogun assumed office as PDP chaiman, I see his new position as a platform to demonstrate capacity and ability to manage contending leadership forces to get desired result, but it seems the chairman is not that spectacular as I expected. From the look of things now, the PDP chairman lack the power, strength and ideas to manage the gladiators who are now assembled in the party, hence the stagnation currently being witnessed. 

Instead of providing actual leadership, the chairman is just swingling here and there like a pendulum. He swings in the direction as dictated by the forces in the party without actually have any destination in sight. When one force approaches him with their pressure, he swing in their direction and when the other forces also approach with their pressure, he swings back, leaving the party with no distinct leadership capable of piloting their affair.

In view of the current situation, should we then describe Mr. Akogun as the most powerless party chairman?

Some time ago, when trying to gather public opinion, I ask members of the most active Kwara page on the internet, ‘’KWARA MUST CHANGE’’to give their opinion on the PDP leadership, but based on their responses, many seems not to even recognize the leadership of the chairman, but despite numerous efforts to establish that the chairman, as far as a party not in government is concerned is the ultimate leader, many still doubted the capacity of the chairman to lead the party successfully. 

They argue that in the end, party decisions would be made at the national level. This goes to show that, even some members of the party now doubt the ability of the chairman to pilot the party’s affair.
My point is that, if the national head quarter had to decide for Kwara, where is the freedom Kwara PDP are eloguising? People don’t listen to what you say, they look at what you do.

With that in view, some aspirants with connection at the federal level are deliberately causing confusing within the state because in reality, they see themselves to be incapable of gaining the peoples trust enough to emerge, only relying on help from ‘’Oga at the top’’.

But PDP must know, federal might can’t vote, only kwarans will. ‘’Ibo to ba wa, ni aman yi kun’’. I do say that, if votes don’t count in Nigeria, Baba Saraki won’t be campaign during elections.

Again, before the election of Mr. Akogun as PDP chairman, some group of youths from Kwara south senatorial district approached me for help, asking me to help them popularize information on social media about how ruling party are sponsoring Mr.Akogun to become PDP chairman to prevent the party from making an headway, a request I instantly declined knowing such is a complete falsehood. Even though I was promised to be paid handsomely for the job, I couldn’t accept such due to the hope I had in Mr.Akogun, but today, all hopes seems not so bright. What a shame.

Here we know that, not all critics are better than those they criticize. Mr. Akogun had not become a governor like Dr. Ahmed he described as the most powerless governor, he merely occupy the position of a party chairman, yet, he also seems powerless to effectively pilot the affair of the party, just as Governor Ahmed seems powerless to pilot the affair of the state.

On this note, let me advice all stake holders in the PDP to as a matter of urgency, get back to their senses and retrace their steps if they are to be considered as serious.

The heavy weights in the party such as Senator Sulaiman Ajadi, Prof Oba Abdulraheem, SS Ajibola, Dele Belgore,Bola Shagaya, John Dara and host of others should open their eyes and see that their greed and selfish pursuit is gradually costing the party its chances. 

Despite not belonging to any party, I wish all parties in the state would act right and field their best candidates, so irrespective of which party emerges, Kwarans would have a cause not to panic.
While the ruling APC is quickly addressing some of the areas of defect that may likely give the PDP upper hand, the PDP is recycling on the same spot with self seeking politicians busy struggling for their pocket, leaving the masses to wonder.

These are the people that made the Chairman look empty and powerless, defying every sense of reasoning for mutual agreement.

PDP should come up with a realistic manifesto that the people can connect to, a manifesto which shall clearly explain what the party intend to do for the people, how they intend to do it and when. The manifesto should also tell the people how much it would cost and where the funding would come from.

PDP must realize that, even though Kwarans desire to have freedom, they must know where the freedom would lead them. Will the freedom lead them to paradise or hell? Will it lead them to prosperity or greater squalor, economic upliftment or stagnation and finally, will it reposition Kwara to match forward or make it  to be lost in cross road. 

All these and many more must be clearly addressed in your manifesto to gain the almost lost confidence of the people.

Thank you and God bless.
AMB. Abdulrazaq O Hamzat (Mr.rights)

If you read this post, don’t leave this page until you drop a comemnt for Mr.rights.
You can also email Mr.rights at myrights10@gmail.com.



  1. Mr Right U have tried enough. A word is enough for wise, as a Yoruba proverb says. This the time which party and personality are to cast our vote for come 2015.


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