Man Behead his uncle over disagreement (Pics)

The problem with some Nigerians is not ethnicity or religion, it it out right lack of humanity. We must make concerted efforts to bring back our humanity.
A man identified as Chief Joshua Ekpo was allegedly killed by his nephew on Sunday 25th March, 2018, at Eyosio - Osung Village in Udung Uko local government area of Akwa Ibom state. The man was allegedly attacked and beheaded by his nephew after a disagreement.
When we hear about killings between two groups of different ethnicity or religion, we are quick to claim one ethnic group is bad, but what do we say when people from the same family are killing each other over none issue? Check the picture below, does it make any sense that a family member beheaded his uncle in such an evil manner?
So, what do you expect from a person who could kill his own family over little disagreement to do with people of different ethnic or religious when they have misunderstanding?
No tribe or religion is bad on it own, however, there are bad people in every tribe and religion.
May the soul Chief Joshua rest in peace.
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