EXPOSED: US,Britain plot to collapse Nigeria's economy

Document Exposes Plot To Collapse Nigeria’s Economy By US & Britain As most Nigerians continue to ex­press apprehen­sion over the pre­diction that the country could break up this year, a 300-page document by a Paris, France-based group has exposed attempts to cause problem in the coun­try by collapsing the econ­omy. The document, released by a think-tank group, Intelicor, in Paris, unveiled plans by el­ements in the United States to cause further fall of oil prices to sabotage the Nigerian and Russian economies. The document revealed that it is the plot, as it affects Rus­sia, that has made the United States and Britain to have is­sues with President Vladimir Putin, who is said to have op­posed ‘G8 Africa Plan’, which aims to use Africa as experi­ment base for western biotech­nology companies, desirous of exploiting stem cell research and organ trafficking on the continent. The document revealed that Russia’s secret service had discovered a programme by United States elements and businessmen to control world oil and uranium sources as well as make Africa the source of ovarian eggs they need to perfect tissue cloning. The document stated that Nigeria fell into the trap by ac­cepting the offer for the build­ing of specialised hospitals by a United States foundation owned by a known business­man, in exchange for the en­actment of the recently signed National Health Act, 2014. The Intelicor document re­vealed that to ensure low oil price, in order to destabilise Nigeria and Russia’s econo­mies, the United States and British elements conspired with Saudi Arabia to increase oil production and output. As encouragement for this, the United States has increased oil imports from Saudi Arabia and Angola and shunned Nigeria’s oil. The document revealed that the Boko Haram problem in Nigeria is also part of the plot, as the insurgents have link with a United States organisa­tion led by a retired CIA chief. The group is also believed to be supporting Al-Shabab in Kenya and ISIS in the Middle East. It further revealed that Boko Haram’s assignment is to de­stabilise Nigeria and possibly cause the emergence of a re­gime that would give express approval to the biotechnol­ogy companies to feast on the country for 100 million ovar­ian eggs needed yearly for em­bryonic stem cell research in tissue cloning, as well as pro­vide the human organs needed in the western countries. The report stated that oblivi­ous of the plot, the Federal Government encouraged the passing of the National Health Bill, which was signed into law last month by President Goodluck Jonathan. The National Health Act empowers doctors to authorise removal of the organ of any­body, who comes to hospital, in “emergency cases.” The provision nullifies the practise in most western countries, where only the donor could authorise removal of his or­gan for transplant to another person. The document said the pro­vision is a ploy for the harvest of organs in Nigeria, which would be shipped to United States and Britain for trans­plant. To make this possible, the American elements behind it, the document revealed, have “given millions of USD contract to a company (name withheld) to build over 260 hospitals to form the base for pouching organs and har­vesting human ovarian eggs without consent of the donor authorised by law in Nigeria.” It revealed: “At a Bioeth­ics meeting, experts estimated that over 30 million Nigerians would die in five years. In Ke­nya, even though the attempt to get President Kenyatta jailed has failed for now, there is intense pressure to execute the same project as in Nige­ria. The steady flow of human ovarian eggs will drive the western economies to 2050, with a net worth of over 30 trillion USD.”


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