Women are enjoined to cover their body with veil, hijab or other materials they deem fit, but some people felt this is asking too much from women. In my view, If a woman don't feel comfortable using any of the above, the least she should do is dress decently.But for the

purpose of education, let's talk about the parable of a pencil.

There are valuable lessons every one must learn from a pencil. We all used  it without paying attention to its essence the same way a grandmother paid attention to her grandson when he asked her why she was writing with a pencil.

She said to him, ‘’the pencil is said to have five qualities that if you manage to hand on unto them, you will always be at peace with the world’’ and see reason why every woman must cover her body.

First lesson pencil teaches is that, you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your step. We call that hand God and he always guides us according to his will. Just as every pencil can write great things, it is impossible to write without a guiding hand. Without a guiding hand commanding the pencil, it can write nothing, same with you. This is why they say, we are nothing, but pencil in the hand of a creator. Everyone need a guide.
Second lesson from a pencil is that, now and then, I have to stop and use a sharpener.  That makes the pencil suffer a little but afterwards, he is much sharper. So, you too must learn to bear certain pains and sorrow because they will make you a better person. As a woman covering your body, you might experience some heat and discomfort. Some ignorant people might even mock you and call you names,but one thing is certain, you are a dignified person wherever you go. 

You are less likely to experience sexual embarrassment, less likely to experience rape, less likely to be disregarded by the opposite sex and you have indeed earn yourself self respect among women folks. Other women cannot afford to look down on you, instead, they are likely to be jealous of you. Many a times, they keep wondering how you manage to be covering your body all the time, something they dare not do. They wonder how you do it so easily while despite their skimpy dresses, they still do not feel comfortable. Some times, they secretly admire you and try to cover their body in their room the way you do, but they feel its impossible. They can’t do what you do despite wishing to, while on the other hand, you can simply do what they do without much stress. Here, you can do what they are doing, but they can’t do what you do so they know you are special.

Third lesson we learn from a pencil is that, the pencil always allow us to use eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that, correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing, it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

You may not be the body covering type, but correcting that aspect of your life is not necessarily a bad thing, neither does it make you uncivilized. The pencil’s parable tells us that, the eraser is there for you, erase that aspect of your life and be guided with that special hand of God. The two dominant religion (Islam and Christianity) encourages women to cover their body, most people certainly belong to either of the two. While Muslims had never seen the picture of their prophet wives covering their body, many still adhere to that teaching, relying on the special hand of God to guide them right. But we all saw the picture of holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, and that is a classical example of how a good woman should dress. No matter what any woman accomplish In life, hardly would she be remembered more than Mary, mother of Christ. Mary is guided by that special hand. You too can.

Fourthly, what really matters is a pencil is not the wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So, always pay attention to what is happening inside of you. What is important in a woman is not the cover on her body, it is what is happening inside of her.  Here we must understand that, what you are putting on as a women doesn’t affect the quality of your being, it doesn’t take away anything from you, neither does it portray you as a less human. It only goes to preserve the quality inside of you. It makes the world appreciate what you are covering inside. The cover of an orange is not important like the juice inside. If the orange is left uncovered, it lost ts value.

Those women who continue to dress indecently under the guise of freedom have not been civilized enough to dress without putting on any underwear and be walking on the street. That is freedom in totality if we should go by their reasoning. They claim nude dressing means freedom and civilization, but why are they limiting their freedom by still wearing skimpy dresses? Why not be totally free by going out without any piece of clothing on their body? Since they claim they are liberated by such display of nudity, they are yet to be totally liberated until they walk on the street without any piece of clothing. Don’t cover your freedom with skimpy dresses, be totally liberated if you are indeed truthful.

And finally, the pencil’s fifth quality is that, it always leaves a mark. In the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in every action you take.

Holy Mary has come and gone, she has left a mark. Funmilayo Ransome Kuti has come and gone, she did left a mark. Mother Theresa came and left, not without leaving a mark. Hajiya Gambo Sawaba also left a mark and so also, Madam Ekpo. Their mark is well noted and will always be. While women who dress nude might have left some mark too, nobody cares about them or their marks. Personally, I don’t know any woman remembered by her nudity. 

Some times, we watch musical videos, we see the musical artist in a cute suit, nice shirt and cool outlook. But in the same video, we see the woman in skimpy under wear. 

One begin to wonder, if the male musical artist could dress in a cute suite and nice shirt, why must the woman dress nude? Hardly can you see male artist wearing pant in a video, they wear jean and nice tops, but you see the women wearing almost nothing. If male artist attract attention by dressing nice, why should skimpy dresses be the only weapon for women to get attraction? This gives an an impression that some women are either stupid, feels inferior or see themselves as having nothing to offer than their nude.

But women are not stupid, I know enough intelligent women to know we are all born free and equal. they shouldn’t be stupid, they are not inferior in anyway and certainly, women have more to offer than their nude. 

Women must not be the shakky shakky bom bom type, they must truly occupy their rightful place in the society by acting responsibly.

Finally, i urge every woman around the world to see freedom as an opportunity to have equal chance of doing good, not an opportunity to do any how. Dressing nude in the name of freedom is an abuse of freedom, it is irresponsible and a corrupt behavior. Mr.Rights


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