Hate is an obstacle To life

When you hate someone, for whatever reason, you loose. Hate makes you a looser.
Because you hate the Christians, you loose all the good things Christians can add to your life
Because you hate the the Muslims, you deny yourself opportunity to the beauty of the Muslims heart
Because you hate the Hausa, Yoruba or Igbo, you are shutting the door of progress that may have come from people of those tribes.
Why hate the prostitute, the stingy or introvert acquaintance? Aren't you aware that there is goodness in everyone?
Know this, you can't change people by hating them. "You can't win them over also "
Winning people over often come from the place of love, not hate.
Hating people takes you far away from them. It makes you so unhappy than them.
If there is hate in your heart, in there lies your pain.
Unhate everyone you hate and your life will be free from obstacle, yet full with joy.
Abdulrazaq O Hamzat
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