Disregard fake news and shun dirty politics, Razaq Rahman urges APC members

Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq considers every All Progressive Congress (APC) aspirant as his friends, family and associates and he doesn’t involve himself in dirty politics against any individual. He has also been urging all freedom fighters to shun blackmail, fake news and dirty politics in the interest of our joint mission to salvage kwara
Contrary to claims on social media that Abdulrahman is involved in substitution of names of some aspirants, those in the know are very sure that this is not only false, it is out rightly untrue and a calculated attempt to drag the name of the leader of this freedom struggle.
Since the emergence of Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq as the All Progressive Congress (APC) governorship candidate in Kwara State, the leader of the freedom struggle has been busy working around the clock to set the freedom struggle in motion ahead of the 2019 general election.
For Abdulrahman, the only agenda is to liberate Kwara and properly carry everyone along in the process of attaining that freedom. Apart from meeting with all stakeholders and leaders within the APC with the aim of jointly setting the agenda that will be all inclusive, Abdulrazaq has also been meeting with other stakeholders in the state, particularly leaders of other opposition political parties.
It is his believe that if all opposition parties working for Kwara freedom come together, the victory in 2019 will be much easier and all freedom fighters will feel included irrespective of political divide.
It is however surprising that some people are bent on derailing the motion of progress already established by continuously making unguarded remarks, baseless accusations and out right falsehood against Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq. We should have out grown such pettiness.
Apart from the fact that such falsehood is wrong, it is even a crime in Nigeria, categorized under the fake news menace. We are of the firm believe that, should those who are making this false allegation be called out to substantiate their claim, they will be left helpless with no evidence to show. This is why bloggers helping them circulate such content should double check their sources.
Let it be clear that Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq is not the state party chairman of APC, neither is he a member of the National Working Committee that conducted the primary election. He is also not the National Chairman of the party and therefore not in the position to decide or have input in who is the party’s candidate in any constituency. Like others who participated in the process, he was just an aspirant who won and became the governorship candidate of APC. He doesn’t have the power to decide winners in other positions.
The general public are advised to disregard any falsehood peddled against Abdulrahman because he is too focused on our freedom than involve in dirty politics.
Bloggers and Social Media platforms are hereby advised to be weary of the information they publish to avoid misleading their audience and the general public.
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