Pretty plus size lady flaunt her self worth,share inspirational message

Yusuf Omowunmi,a pretty CEO of MOBIRACOUTURE in Lagos State has flaunted her self worth and its pretty amazing. The latest Entrepreneur who recently launched her MO Laundry Service took to her Facebook page to share the inspirational message.
Her Her:
I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I support myself, trust myself, and accept myself wherever I am. I can be within the love of my own heart.

I place my hand over my heart and feel the love that is there. I know there is plenty of room for me to accept myself right here and now. I accept my body, my weight, my height, my appearance, my sexuality, and my experiences.

I accept all that I have created for myself—my past and my present. I am willing to allow my future to happen. I am a Divine, Magnificent Expression of Life, and I deserve the very best. I accept this for myself now. And most of all I accept myself. I am precious, and I cherish who I am. And so it is!

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