Feel free to give up, feel free to lose hope

If you do not give up, you may never come up. If you do not lose hope, you may not birth hope.
So, feel free to give up. Feel free to lose hope.
I have given up many times, after I had explored all chances and opportunities without success.
I have given up many times, after all hope seems lost without any possibility of redemption.
I have given up so many times, after i had tried and exhausted all my talent, skills, hardwork and network.
Yes, I have given up many times, after running to God in prayers and my prayers seems not getting to the most high.
In my mind, I no I am finished. It's all over for me. My so called intelligence has failed and my prayers unanswered.
I have lose hope many times when my vast knowledge hit the brick wall and my network helpless.
Trust me, nothing is so humbling like when your greatest strength seems to be so useless and even those who shared in your idea, passion, patriotism and activism are too consumed in their own issues to come to your aid.
That is the worse situation for any human and the only option is to stop fighting and give up for a moment. If you fail to give up, what will you do?
Aimless battle, aimless struggle, aimless pursuit of worldly men of God.
Just give up and expect nothing.
I have been in that situation many times and I have given up many times.
That's the time you know you are nothing in the real sense of it.
Before getting to this dead end, You have worked, worked and worked. You have planned, planned, and planned. You have prayed, prayed and prayed. So nothing is left undone but you ended up in such bad situation.
What else can you do if not give up?
I have given up many times. I have seen how small and inconsequential human knowledge can be. I have seen how limited human intelligence and wisdom can be. I have seen the limitation of human hard work and smart work and I have equally witnessed the end product of human spirituality and religiosity.
Many people, like myself have seen the limit of self motivation. I have also seen the limitation of the best motivator.
There comes a time, when nothing human works. The only option at this point is to give up.
A time, in which, the opposite of what the world thinks and say is the only option.
You give up, not because you want to, but because it is the only option.
Then some how, something you do not know it source will prop of from no where.
I have seen the end of giving up. I have seen the end of hopelessness, I have even seen the end of human knowledge and hardwork. Something worthy is there.
Something you can't really explain.
Something beyond religion, beyond hard work and even beyond hope.
You can't really understand this until you are in this position.
This is why I tell people fighting so hard for something to let go and accept that sometimes, its beyond our power to live, beyond our power to survive and beyond our power to achieve.
Feel free to give up. Feel free to lose hope. Feel free to experience what is at the end of hopelessness. Feel free to experience a power that controls the universe beyond that of your limited religious understanding.
When you give up, something beyond your knowledge prop up something. When you loose hope, something beyond hopefulness brings up something. When your religious prayers fail to save you, your God who has no religion, bigger than every religion and much more than any religious book has ever said will then take over.
I have had this experience. I know how it feels and I know it can't be explained.
But guess what, you won't get to experience this until you have gotten to the end of your hardwork, the end of your human intelligence, and the end of your hopefulness.
This rich experience made me believe more in God than I ever was. The more I experience this rare and difficult moment, the more I believe in the universality of God.
I think I am speaking in tongue.
I give up
Abdulrazaq O Hamzat discus4now@gmail.com
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